Monday, March 20, 2006

Let's Catch Up, Shall We?

Firstly: I am beginning to believe my husband is right that every time I get out of the house I end up sick! Now, on with the catching up.

Saturday Hubby and I took a day off from being with friends and the house, me writing or researching, and just had a good day together. It was much, much fun, and muchly needed for the two of us.

Sunday we went to Church and after Church I went to Barnes and Noble's while Hubby did some social thing for the both of us. So, for the majority of the afternoon I was able to peruse books, finish a short story I am submitting somewhere by this Friday, begin a new one, and just relax back into myself. I really needed that, and Hubby just relaxed himself, though he felt more rushed than he wanted, despite me trying to help ease out the early evening we had.

Today I have been ill with a stomach something. Right now I am feeling much better.

Tomorrow is really going to be an interesting day because fiction is here and I just need to make sure I have the first part as close to exactly as I want. It will be published every day - except Wednesday - until it is finished. I am looking forward to all of this!

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