Monday, November 15, 2004


There is something definitely to be said about sitting quietly in a room and writing with a pen upon paper and giving full reign to your imagination. Although I have not gotten to write any today on the novel, I admit it has been on my mind with nice plans and possibilities for the future of the main character.

Writing this piece long-hand is re-awakening my love for telling the story, for enjoying it myself as it unfolds in my head and upon paper before me.

How many writers are there out there who work on their first drafts by hand and then transfer to the computer? I know Neil Gaiman does it. Who else?

Before this novel I would have attempted to write it long-hand as opposed to computer to "see if it works" and this story just falls into wonderful place but only if it is WRITTEN. Isn't that amazing? Do all stories dictate how they are going to be written?

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