Wednesday, February 23, 2005


When we ask for advice, we are usually looking for an accomplice.
Charles Varlet Marquis de La Grange

Sometimes that's exactly what we're doing - getting an accomplice. Haven't you had those times where you feel like you know the right thing to do, but you "want to make sure" and therefore go and ask someone's advice, and the someone you ask is a someone you know very well and they tell you exactly what you've been thinking you should do? It's as if they give us permission to do exactly what we know we should've been doing in the first place. Yeah, we end up getting an accomplice.

Of course, there are those times when we want permission to do something we really shouldn't be doing, too. Isn't that ironic? We ask for advice/permission/acceptance to do the very things we know we oughtn't as well as aught?

Life is mixed up is all I can say. Thank goodness God gave many common sense. (Even then we get side-tracked though don't we."

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