Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Blossoming Yarn Addiction - or BYA

Since beginning to knit I am becoming more and more addicted to it. When I am stuck on a story or poem point I have begun picking up the yarn and knitting needles and working on whatever project happens to be on them and, in about 30 minutes I have worked a good bit on the knitting as well as gotten passed the problem point currently being thunk about.

Another thing I am slowly beginning to realize is that knitting is truly a form of instant gratification. Other projects have been attempted in the past and they have been completed, but not quite with the same feeling of good well-being and accomplishment knitting is doing for me of late. Beading is a wonder thing, and I dearly enjoy beading, but not the same as settling down with the knitting needles, or crochet hook and just working, usually mindlessly, with my hands. Unless counting is involved (and it is at some point or other), the hands just take over and even though my eyes watch the thread weaving on the needles, it is just as much a wonderful surprise to me something neat comes out of it as it does everyone else!

This leaves only one problem: A continued reason to keep going out and purchasing yarn and knitting needles. This, of course, means coming up with projects to work on. Right now I have two sweaters to do for my dear hubby and Cheyenne, as well as a possible baby blanket for a friend of Hubby's, and some socks and stockings for myself. After that I believe I am going to begin working on Christmas presents for 2007. One of those projects is going to be a knitted afghan which has me quite excited.

This is the first hobby I have attempted that keeps challenging me to progress and improve in very subtle ways. For example, if I can cable well I can do projects such as this. Today I even watched a program on DIY network about simple cabling which I found quite instructive and helpful. After seeing the program I feel more confident in tackling such a thing as cabling in the upcoming afghan project. Cabling requires thought, counting, and still you get to watch as beautiful things just seem to grow out of your hands and needles. Yes, instant gratification at its very highest!

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