Sunday, January 21, 2007

Made It Through and Settling In

The house was blessed yesterday bright and early around nine thirty in the morning. Father wasn't able to stay very long because he was running a little behind on his house blessing schedule for the day. It is probably needless to say, but, the house wasn't in perfect order, it wasn't in good order, but it did make it to fair which pleased me greatly.

I worked on it all day Friday and way into the early morning hours of Saturday. I pushed myself harder than I have pushed myself in quite a while and thus didn't eat on my regular schedule and thus my gall bladder let me know how bad I had been. Dear Hubby even told Father I had over done it and hurt myself a little. Father just nodded and gave me his once over to possibly make sure he did not need his wife, who is a nurse, to call me and double check on my condition. And, much to my great happiness, Father didn't say one bad thing about the house!

About the only other moment of note was when, after the house was blessed, Father looked over to where Cappa was sitting quietly in her chair and he said, "So this is the only remaining cat you have?" Father does not like cats. He is a dog person. The look he gave the cat was not an overly pleasant one and Cappa gave back as good as she got. If Father was ever dismissed by a feline, it was then and there. It took a bit of will for me not to chuckle out loud, but Father wouldn't ever admit cats have expressions, still, it was most funny.

Now the rain has come and so has the ice. Tomorrow is the beginning of a new week. Some time this week it is supposed to snow. Also this week is the big week for finishing up on the novel and then out to the publisher for consideration. I am excited. A little worried. Life, currently, is good.

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