Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Just A Bite of Heaven

The St. Andrew's Heritage Festival was this past weekend.  I figured something out that was profound.


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

So Josh Gates Is Still Looking for Truth?

Hello all.  Things are really popping here at The News, but I'm afraid we're moving to a different home.  For now I'll just have to provide links until I get all of the furniture moved so to speak.  You can click on the title above or the link below.  Hope you like the new place.  The content is the same, or maybe even better.  Enjoy!


Saturday, September 04, 2010

Labor Day Weekend...Already

It is hard to believe this is Labor Day Weekend.  Traditionally this is the supposed end of Summer and the beginning of Fall in the U.S. of A.  Schools are already in session.  Colleges are in full swing around the nation.  College town populations have practically tripled over-night, and life has become even more hectic in a span of just two weeks because of the words "school is in session."  Labor Day Weekend is a way of taking a break, a breath to prepare for the Fall, for the business of school and harvest and a slowing down and getting ready for winter.  It is supposed to be a time to thank the American working people for doing a good job in their chosen work field.  Sadly, there really aren't that many workers out there at the moment to thank by and large. 

I am not going to sit here in my wheelchair and place blame on why so many people are out of jobs here in America.  It doesn't do any good.  It didn't begin with this administration and it probably isn't going to end with it or the next (but I can at least hope).  The rich really do get richer and the poorer, of which I am one (the latter, not the former), really do get poorer no matter how much there is scrimping and saving and planning and being careful.  The ends just get further and further apart instead of meeting some months than others no matter what you do, and yes, this happens to be one of those months when the ends are about as far away from meeting as they can get. 

But still, it is Labor Day Weekend.  My husband doesn't have to go to work on Monday.  He has a day off to rest and sleep in, and, hopefully, he can forget about the worries of bank accounts and bills and medicines that have yet to be purchased and doctors' bills that won't get paid this month but hopefully will get paid next month.  Because I have wonderful friends I have several Barnes & Noble gift cards so I can run away to Barnes & Noble as long as I can pay the Wheels bus to get me there, and, with luck ,there might be some money left over from the bills that will at least let me get there one day a week, or maybe two if I'm extra careful.  All the important bills have been paid with the husband's paycheck this time and my own and there is nothing left over, but this is still Labor Day and friends and us are getting together to relax and take a breath and prepare for cooler temperatures and harder winter months that lay ahead. 

All of us have made it this far with our families in pretty good shape and our friends are as strong as they can possibly be and lucky to have the jobs they have.  The sky is beautiful overhead with little puffy clouds like in a painting.  God is still in Heaven and looking after us: if He wasn't we would all be in far worse condition than what we are now.

So those of you who have jobs, relax and thank God for your families and for the jobs you have and rest from your labors for this weekend.  To those of you who currently do not have jobs I say hang in there, things will have to turn around eventually, God hasn't abandoned us; rest from the worries from the labor of looking for jobs for just a little while and take a breather so that on Tuesday you can begin with a fresh spirit to look again.

Happy Labor Day Weekend everyone.

Friday, September 03, 2010

Yahoo! News Story - Goats rescued after 2 days on 6-inch ledge in Mont - Yahoo! News

Henrietta Handy (hahwriter@Yahoo.com) has sent you a news article.
(Email address has not been verified.)
Personal message:

Goats rescued after 2 days on 6-inch ledge in Mont - Yahoo! News


Yahoo! News

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Yahoo! News Story - The Stig's ID is 'Top Gear' secret no more - Yahoo! News

Henrietta Handy (hahwriter@Yahoo.com) has sent you a news article.
(Email address has not been verified.)
Personal message:

The mystery is solved! And he isn't bad looking either! Way to go Stig!

The Stig's ID is 'Top Gear' secret no more - Yahoo! News


Yahoo! News

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Sometimes Distance Doesn't Really Matter

Nikon Coolpix L22 12.0 MP Digital Camera with 3.6x Optical Zoom and 3.0-Inch LCD (Red-primary)Friday there is a small job I must do that requires me to take some pictures.  It is a simple job so I am not stressing out about it very much, which makes everything go much easier.  I am hoping that Friday will be as beautiful as it is today.  The sky is that brilliant blue Summer color that goes on forever without a single cloud.  It always reminds me of hope itself.  In the mountains of Appalachia these sorts of days were my favorites because the sky was perfect for the contrasting color of the green rolling hilltops that also seemed to go on forever and there I was nestled right smack dab in the middle safe from everything, or so I thought, when I was a child.  When the wind blew the trees would bend and move like ripples of water and I was there, immovable, like a stone unless I swayed with them. 

It was easy to believe the future was so bright nothing could stop me or anyone else from doing and becoming what we wanted.  We had a sturdy base beneath us as rock solid as the mountains themselves: our families.  Nothing would shake our faith, love, and trust in them.  It was the Outside world that was different, but we understood they didn't know any better, poor things.

Now I don't have the protection of the mountains around me like I did back then, but I still have that blue sky and the love, faith, and trust of my family just as unshakable as it ever was in my heart and soul...maybe even more so.  The mountains are still there, too, calling and speaking their wisdom I couldn't understand when I was a child.  I am surprised I can hear them being so far away, but there they are, whispering in the old stories and songs and imparting knowledge even at this distance.  Making me smile.