Tuesday, January 04, 2005

A New Poem

By Shane Stewart
copyright(c) 2005 Shane Stewart

If you are the shelter, then I am the storm.
Neither of us of great importance
Without the other.
I am what you sheild against,
While you are what I buffet.
Yet never have you pushed me back,
And gentle do my rains fall.

We are not of much use apart, are we?
You without I lack somehting,
While I without you is simply sad.
This is how we have always been,
Good alone, for certain,
But never quite as good
As we are together.

Will I ever be the shelter, and you the storm?
I dare not say. I dare not know.
It would be less fun that way,
Less important.
Like reading the last page of a book,
Or watching the end of a movie
Before you see how it all begins.

Odd how one so needs the other. Storm and shelter.
Shelter and storm. Storm keeps the shelter
Strong and ready, clean and quick.
Shelter keeps the storm going,
Keeps the wind blowing,
Rain falling, sky crashing,
Keeps the storm from consuming itself.

Always found together they are. Always will be.
Always should be.
One without and one within.
One the storm and one the shelter.
One needs the other and the other needs one.
Storm for Shelter to be strong for,
Shelter for Storm to feel safe with.

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