Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Merry Christmas Annie!

Christmas Day is nearing and festivities are here left and right. Hubby dug out the Christmas tree and ornaments from the back room, and in the box of Christmas goodies was a surprise. My rag doll my Mommy got me.

It isn't the original Ragedy Anne doll my Mommy got me when I was a little girl. Annie was loved and held through one hospital after another until she fell apart. She is currently somewhere in the closet Back Home in pieces and saved in a plastic bag with moth balls. She is so very fragile I really can't touch her any more. So, not too long before my Mommy started getting very, very sick and my Daddy got in such a bad way, she got me a new Ragedy Anne doll. This one looks more handmade and home-loved, but I so loved her, and it was this second Annie that was such a surprise in the box of Christmas goodies.

I picked her up out of the box and held her close to me. She was soft and warmed to my touch in just a matter of seconds it seemed. Images I had long forgotten of dressing another rag doll and loving her so intently came into my mind. There were also a couple of very bad days in the hospital when Annie was the only one that could touch my fevered skin and not hurt me, except for my Mommy of course.

Tears didn't come as I held my newest Annie, but a joy filled me and spread. For a moment it was like holding back time and feeling my Mommy ever so close and present to me, with my Daddy standing by so very protective and secure in everything he was to himself and to us. Now Annie, this new Annie, is by the computer and will forever remain close to me. Hubby doesn't remember putting her in the box last year or where she was at all. Perhaps it is a simple Christmas miracle in and of itself. Whatever it is, I am most happy to have her back. Although, I think she needs a new dress. I need to work on that.

Merry Christmas all!

Merry Christmas Annie!

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