Friday, March 25, 2005

Spring Wants to Spring Very Badly

Today I have not felt my best. I have a cold. It is nice and fresh with a beginning date of about this time yesterday. Called the health department and checked with a doctor, as I do sometimes at Hubby's urging of "Are you sure you're ok?" and found out there is a nice new virus going around that I probably have and that it (hopefully) won't last very long. This is the WORST weekend to have a cold because there is simply too much going on and I need to be on the "better" end of the spectrum. So, in an attempt to make myself feel better earlier today, I went outside and sat on the ramp and watched the dogs as they chased birds and came running back to me as if to say, "Did ya see?! Did ya see what I did?!?"

After several minutes of this, the girls decided they had had enough and came to lie down next to me on the ramp heaving happy sighs. Although I live in a medium-sized city, there is something country peaceful about our backyard. It was quite evident today as we sat out there. Clouds rolled by overhead giving little glimpses of blue sky, the air was warm, and birds were taking their baths in a pot-hole just on the other side of the back gate. A light breeze came up every so often that made the bamboo rustle and sway and several limbs on a neighbor's tree. The pussywillow at the back gate is bloomed beautifully this year.

The world wants to jump, not just ease, into Spring this year, but something seems to be holding it back. March is almost over and there is no full blown Spring as of yet. We haven't even hit 60*F on a constant basis at all this month. In fact, we've only had two, count them two days of 60*F period this month!

I'm wanting it to be Spring, and then Summer. I want to let out that part of me that doesn't feel awake until it is Spring and Summer. This has he potential of being the beginning of good months for me and I want them NOW. Remember Varuka, the snoddy little girl from Willie Wonka (the old movie) who always wanted everything and her dad usually got it for her or promised it to her so she'd shut up? Well, I want Spring. I want Spring NOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW!

Did it work? Is it Spring yet? .... Darn it!

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