Thursday, March 10, 2005

The Witch Wood Demon, Part 6

The Witch Wood Demon, Part 6
By H.A. Handy
Copyright (c) 2005 by H.A. Handy

Angelica froze. The words had seemed to come from inside her head as well as outside. Slowly, like someone in a movie, Angelica felt her body turn toward what she hoped was the owner of the familiar voice.

Johnny stood there just inside the doorway from the forayer leaning against one side of it nonchalantly. This time he was dressed in tight jeans, a white tee and cowboy boots. His head was clean shaven and his eyes were resting on Edna in the bed.

"This is my time, see. It isn't morning, it isn't day, it isn't night. It is a between time." Johnny's boot heels clicked on the hard wood floor as he neared the bed. Something moved next to the bedside, it was like water moving in front of a window. Johnny nodded. "I know the rules. I can't come any closer. I can't touch her." Johnny stood there. Still as stone. His hands flexed and his shoulders tightened. Was it really taking strength to hold himself back from touching Edna? Angelica watched, transfixed.

A small dark spot began to form at the base of Johnny's skull. Soon it had begun to ooze, or so it looked, and then Johnny was on his knees, screaming in what sounded like agony as the dark ooze began covering him. From the place where the ooze had begun an eye opened. Wherever the ooze was, eyes began to open. The eyeballs began to burrow into Johnny's flesh, making little sucking noises as they apparently attached themselves. Angelica's empty stomach wanted to revolt, but there was simply nothing to revolt with. A wave of nausea swept over her as Johnny backed away from Edna's bed, making sure to keep his back out of Edna's sight. When he had successfully cleared the doorway, Angelica heard the scuff of boot and then thundering feet as Johnny was running away. The door slammed causing all of them to jump, except for Caleb. Edna rose slowly. Her eyes were searching out the doorway, out the window. Joshua was on his feet, fists clenched.

"It's all right, Josh. Why don't you get some more wood for the fire and warm the house, I'll see to Caleb." Joshua stretched his muscular frame and headed through the doorway she had seen him go through the night before. "Angelica, help Josh please." Edna swung her legs out of bed. Edna was surprised to see her still dressed in jeans and a thermal shirt. Edna caught her eye and smiled. "It's a lot warmer than changing for bed, especially since I didn't know how often I was going to have to be up with you two." Edna slid her socked feet into the worn boots and stood. "Go on now. Help Josh. Young girls don't need to see Caleb while I'm checking him over." For a moment Angelica thought of telling Edna she wasn't a young girl and then decided against it. "Shoo!" Edna said, half exasperated and half amused it seemed. Angelica couldn't help but smile to herself as she slipped through the doorway and find herself in the kitchen. Another door led outside. Through the pane of the glass in it, Angelica could see Josh's large form easily swinging the ax. The rhythm of wood being chopped reached Angelica's ears and consciousness as she grabbed a shawl by the door and almost stepped out into the snow with her bare feet. Should she go back and get her boots? Would Edna be upset?

"Here girl," Edna said from the door. Angelica turned in time to duck her boots which were flying toward her head. They hit the door frame with a healthy THUD THUD!

"Um, thank you."

"You're welcome." Edna was already back in the parlor. Her words were remnants only of her presence.

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