Monday, March 21, 2005

Striking Home

There has been perhaps some progress with Terri Shiavo's case because the case is being reviewed. It feels like a little relief and I hope the feeding tube is re-inserted. Starving is such a horrible way to die. In my life I have been hungry, not the kind of hungry where I've missed a meal and it would be nice to eat, but I've been hungry without food for a few days and it isn't an experience I want to have again. It was actually painful and all I could think of was food for a while, then I was thinking of anything except my empty stomach. Fatigue sat in and it became impossible to think. When I did finally eat after such a long period, the food came back up because my stomach wasn't sure what to do with it I believe. So, I went back to eating again, but slower, more carefully. Each bite of food was absolute wonderment to my senses. Luckily for me, I had water to eat.

Why didn't I eat? That's a long and painful story that I may relate one day, just not now. I did have water during this time, which kept me alive. I've never wanted anyone to be without food since this experience, however. The thought of what Terri Schiavo may be going through has been very upset. True, she isn't able to talk, but she is a human being, and even though she may not be able to communicate in some traditional manner, she still feels. Her body still feels. How sad all of this is. How truly sad it is. I hope and pray the feeding and hydration tube is replaced.

This Sunday, the entire situation touched my priest. Father spoke out the respect which should be due to the living icons of God because we were made in God's image. After service I asked him to write a small piece for this Blog and he agreed if I would write a piece for the Church bulletin concerning the same topic, just from a disabled individual's point of view. I agreed to write it, but I almost am afraid to open up and let what I am really thinking and feeling flow out onto the paper concerning this topic. Careful editing is going to be required I suspect.

God bless you Terri Shiavo.

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