Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Explanation + Sunshine = Calm

more cat pictures

On Monday of last week the lady we are renting the house from called me and said, "My husband and I are moving to Mississippi and we are going to put both houses up for sale. We will try to make sure the new owner will continue to let you rent, but we can't promise, but we'll try. Unless you can buy the house yourselves?" Yep, ten o'clock in the morning over a cooling cup of coffee I received this telephone call. Yes, there was immediate panic and diving for the telephone book to see who I had not called about a loan for the house previously, as well as praying. Yes, both Hubby and I prayed a lot. And, no, it wasn't good for my blood pressure.

Friday there was also a test on my kidneys scheduled. Since Hubby and I had to be out for a good portion of the day we got some things done such as securing a new handicapped parking pass/tag and checking at his bank for a loan.

WE GOT THE LOAN! It isn't officially official, but it is 95% official. This means, thank the Good Lord, we don't have to move any time soon. At the same time this also means our house payments are a little more than our rent and we are really going to have to save for a new roof and a few other things we want to do for the house in the future. Luckily we won't have to have a new roof for the next five years, but I would really like to have it done before then in order to keep the house nice and insulated like it is now.

See, like I said, it was a BIG problem, but it is being handled right now and life has slowly begun to settle back down. Now we have 30 years of debt ahead of us. For some reason it doesn't make me panic.

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