Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Tired and The Music

I am tired. I have been cleaning in one space or another most of the day. I haven't done anything "creative" except for organizing some things on my white work table here in the computer room. The white table is a catch all for everything that happens to fly in this room, so, I cleaned it off, not because I was tired of looking at its mess and clutter, but because we are expecting company.

I have also made a significant dent in the dishes in the sink and have worked diligently on getting the kitchen table in some semblance of order. I genuinely feel as if I have accomplished much today.

It isn't often I am domestic here in the house. My writing projects take up much of my time, so, today was an excursion into the "other realm" for me. Despite everything I hate about house-work, this was quite enjoyable. Although, I must admit, plans on doing it again "soon" may be somewhat irrationally over-stated.

There was a lag in the cleaning routine today, when it simply seemed impossible to finish much of what has been done. The white table just seemed too much to do in one day, much less a week. So, I turned to the computer, not to plot upon plots, but to find some music in which to listen to.

When the music came on, my heart and body felt rejuvenate. I knew the table was going to get cleaned, especially with the music turned up very loud.

Finishing the white table was a snap with music, so my attention's turned to other places I may turn my hand to (and boy did I find them). The music from the computer filled the house. It was today's pop music and then Lenny Kravitz, and now country, being followed by Sean Paul and some wonderful reggae mixes.

Why is that things get done faster, and usually better, when music is playing? I've always said my life had a soundtrack, I just wasn't sure what it was. Still am not. Hopefully the soundtrack of my life (not the things kids fill out in on-line journals and blogs) will be just as interesting as my life currently seems to be.

Even being so tired isn't so bad, as long as good, loud music is playing.

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