Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Flavors of Fall

Yes, very late with The News today. I apologize Dear Readers. Your editor and main contributor to The News has been laid low by a very nasty something, but am sitting up now and looking at tomorrow with some hope of feeling better - not just dreading it.

As I slept (all day), I had strange, sick dreams. Sick as in "caused by feeling horrible", not sick as in a cat and an elephant getting it on. In one of my dreams, one of the more realistic ones, I was making caramel apples.

I only want caramel apples in the fall and winter. It is sort of one of those seasonal treats you either love or can leave behind. Except for caramel apples I'm afraid I have not viewed Fall with an eye of love because the leaves begin to fall and soon it will be very cold and everything will have a grayness to it, even in the brightest of sunshine.

Since I am now sitting up and viewing Fall's arrival and Winter's approach, I am going to try and enjoy every season, not let the gray of Winters coming destroy my spirit.

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