Saturday, April 29, 2006

Looking Up at the Changes

Have you ever had one of those days when you know you are working on a task that ultimately is changing your life? It isn't one of those things that is going to change your life, but is already? Well, that is the sort of day I had yesterday.

Yesterday I sat and looked up apartment complexes and made telephone calls to different places gathering physical information about moving to a different city. At one point I just stopped - it was too surreal - and went outside to look up at the bright blue sky and listen to the birds. By this time next year I may not be here looking up at that sky from my wonderful back yard. Next year by this time I may be looking up at the sky from a different back yard.

I hope all the changes we are making, preparing to make, and gathering information for making will be beneficial to both of us and we can keep our little family of four legged creatures together. Well, quite honestly, if we can't all stay together we aren't going. On that I have made up my mind.

Life, as I know it, is changing.

I am not mourning this change. This is the first change that has begun where I haven't had to mourn the loss of someone special to me. It is something of a shock.

It is almost pleasant in its almost-terrifying way.

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