Thursday, January 25, 2007

I'm Finging as Fast as I Can!

Several weeks (or was it months) ago, I was talking to a dear writerly friend of mine and was trying to say, "I have typed so much today my fingers cannot type any more." What I said was, "I've finged until I can fing no more!" Yeah, my friend was worried too for a little while.

Since then, each time I have gone to do some typing of stories and material written, it has become "fing." For the past several days I have been finging and writing on Novel #1 with a passion. Thus the absence of posts, for which I apologize.
As of today, before the final word count for today is done, I have a solid 20, 915 words down according to Word. It isn't finished. It is supposed to be mailed out on January 31st. Am I going to make the deadline? Probably not. It doesn't mean I am not going to keep trying, but I am accepting the possibility it may not be out when it is supposed to be and I am making myself OK with that fact.
Let's face it, what else can I do? This is a project of creativity not a paper on the arctic seal or declining environment of the liver colored ditty whopper (and no, there isn't such an animal to my knowledge). So, the creativity comes as it comes.

One thing I can honestly say is that the piece is progressing and I am enjoying it, although sometimes I do complain about it because the characters and problems of creating all get caught up somewhere inside my head and a scream invariably escapes me...which helps me to feel better, and I keep on going putting one word after another until sentences come and then paragraphs and images appear and not as many run on sentences as are currently appearing in this particular paragraph.

Any way, Novel #1 is progressing. I feel like I am genuinely Working, and I am. I feel like a writer, which I am. This doesn't make my life any easier at the moment, but it definitely does feel full and pleasant. I wonder if feeling pregnant is anything like this? Man, what a thought!

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