Wednesday, July 14, 2004

My Mommy Is With the Maker Of The Storms

It stormed last night. Hard. The thunder crashed and the lightning flashed and it made me jump. I've never been a big lover of storms as some people claim to be. Watching them on the big screen or TV is fine, but when it comes to being in one or being here at the house while one is happening, well, I'd prefer it to be calm.

One particular crash of thunder sounded as if it was coming straight for the house and was going to bowl it over and take most of the street with it. The lightning was dancing through the clouds and making them look blue-gray in the darkness. I could almost remember every single scary movie I had ever seen with that rolling mass so far above my head as I jumped, startled by its noise.

Hubby and I were just lying down, preparing for sleep and he was talking on the cell phone to a friend far away who wasn't undergoing a storm. I wanted to scream and cry like a little girl, but also didn't want to face the ridicule since I am so not one (a little girl I mean). Still, the panic was there.

I moved, shifted in the bed, and caught sight of myself in the dresser mirror. I was shocked at how calm my outside appeared. There was nothing there, not even in my eyes to belie how close to terrified I was heading.

Carefully I turned over onto my stomach and fought the urge to cover up my head with my pillow to block out the noise and wished my Mommy was here; wished I could hear her voice and her reassurances and her laughter. I wished I could hear Daddy's stories of the storms he had to walk through as a child. Tears were so terribly close to spilling over as I longed for them, wished for them, then such a calm came over me as an even BIGGER crash stole over my house and street.

A calm, still little voice surfaced somewhere inside me shushing my fears and eased down the tears. Your Mommy and Daddy are with the Maker of the Storms.

Suddenly I wasn't afraid any more. I knew Mommy and Daddy would always be praying for me to God to keep me safe, even in the midst of the most terrible storms. They are nearer to God now and He can hear them even more than before. A comfort and peace like I have never known flooded my Soul and heart and mind and I slept. I slept in perfect peace, just as if Mommy was cradling me in her arms and Daddy was nested beside us on the bed.

My Mommy is with the Maker of the Storms and she is watching over me.

My Daddy is with the Maker of the Storms and he is watching over me, too.

I sort of understand more about the Saints now.

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