Wednesday, June 01, 2005

An Adventure, Part 2

Being of the Kilk Clan meant they stayed in the lush forests of Avinar year round. The spring and summer were filled with warmth, and autumn didn't get cold until just before Harvest Festival. After Harvest Festival, however, the cold winds whipped down from Ice Peak and brought the snows with it. Tym shivered at the memory of the recent winter months, then smiled up into the sky. It was over. Winter wouldn't be peeking its head around the corner any time soon and he could look forward to warm days and nights to his soul's content, until winter, of course.

Something moved in the bush to Tym's left. Oh no! It's Mara! She's found me! was his first thought. Mara was his older sister and was in charge of the younger ones, even though Tym was a man now as far as the any of the elders were concerned. He towered over Mara just like their father did, but there was something frightening about Mara. She didn't often snap and snarl, but when she did there was a reason behind it and you'd better listen. It didn't help matters that she was a far better hunter than most men and had a quiet way with animals all admired. What no one knew, except for perhaps him, was that Mara would have preferred to live in the forests alone with her animals than with people. It wasn't that people were bad or evil to her, she just didn't always understand them.

Sure enough, Mara stepped from the bush, her bow in hand and a full quiver of arrows on her back. Her long flaxen hair hung well below her waist, even in the braid she currently had it in. There was no denying she was a girl even though she wore the hunting breeches of the men and a halter she had made herself.

Mara smiled at him and came to lie beside him.

"You know, Tym, sometimes you have the best ideas," she said, closing her eyes and basking in the warmth of the sun. Tym relaxed and smiled as he secured his place back upon the grass.

"I thought you were hunting?"

"I thought we were hunting?" Mara said with a happy lilt in her voice.

"Um, yeah."

"I just didn't feel like it today. This is the first day we've been able to get into the deep forest and I . . . I just wanted to enjoy it."

"Me, too."

Tym watched the very tops of the trees wave in the slight breeze that was blowing. Mara was his older sister by four years, but she was also his best friend in many ways. It felt good to just lie there and not worry about hunting or anything else. It was a perfect day after all.

A horn sounded in the distance. Mara sat bolt upright. Tym followed a little slower.

"The village needs help!" Mara was on her feet and heading back into the forest before Tym could make it to his feet. Suddenly his heart was pounding in his chest. Raiders? They hadn't been attacked since Tym had been alive!

As he followed after Mara, Tym Warden couldn't know his life had just changed forever.

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